Kylie Jenner, Cosmetic New Face with Surgery and Privilege Lifestyle

What do you think of, when you think of Kylie Jenner ? In all honesty, I don’t think about her at all but recently, I have been thinking about Kylie Jenner and not in a shady way because that is not me. But I am so intrigued by her, her face mostly and here is why…

Kylie Jenner, Who?

Up until now the only Kylie that ever graced my mind, is that of Kylie Minogue but as we roll around in this crazy 21st century, it is hard not to come into some kind of information on Kylie J. Whether it be negative or not. Kylie J is one of the younger siblings to the Kardashian clan. Being on the half sibling spectrum, Kylie has grown up and around the Kardashians sisters and has probably been heavily influenced by her sister Kim. Whom, let’s face it, isn’t a stranger to the odd cosmetic surgery here and there.

Looking back at Kylie photos, of when she was just a kid. You can clearly see that she would always be fighting, to be in the spotlight around or away from her already famous sisters. Reason being, although she was naturally a pretty girl in my opinion, she was a far cry from how she looks today. Some might go on to say, a plain Jane. Today, Kylies look is a million miles away from that, Kylie has gone from plain Jane, to the worlds most sort after photographed woman in the world! I mean huh?

Does Having Surgery, Improve Your Life Prospects?

I don’t know, ask Kylie J, if only I could. I am not mad at Kylie or even jealous, It’s actually quite the opposite. I am actually quite in shock to be honest and slightly impressed, all rolled into one, at how someone (let’s forget it’s KJ for the moment) that someone who was a plain Jane, through the eyes of a camera lens and living in the shadow of her sister Kim, popularity. Could gradually but seemed to be over night, could go from a meh 5 to a hot, hot, red hot 10+.

Every camera person, socialite and anyone whom sits at the top of the fashion industry, all now want to be on the Kylie Jenner train. And with good reason right, If she can bring this much popularity then she is sure to bring in the cash with it. It seems that everyone wants a bit of Kylie Jenner and they will do anything to be in her good books.

So, did Kylie having all of her surgery to reconstruct, most of her face improve her life prospect. Or is she just vibing on that Lucky Girl Syndrome, we talked about in my last post ( it definitely got you guys throwing in your two cents) and I am grateful.

Or is KJ just simply privileged to be born in to a smart, business head family with good genes?

In my opinion Kylie Jenner, improved her future with sealing a deal with a surgeon to change her face and body, to be so desirable that no one can resist, wanting to work with her.

What I really want to know is, would KJ have been so successful in gracing some of the worlds best fashion magazines, having the chance to work with some of the best in the fashion industry. Having the most exciting business collaborations. Being the second most followed person on IG ( she was number one, up until a recent scandal, I won’t go there). As well as having an accomplished business and beauty brand of her own. Could Kylie Jenner, accomplish all that she has done, up until now with her original face?

Would these same people, including her current partner be remotely interested, if she still had her original face?

What do you think?

My latest post Happy Lucky Girl Syndrome 2023, New Law of Attraction?

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